The Rise of Chatbots

These days, everyone is talking about AI and chatbot and many of the corporation and small business are utilizing this new technology. One of the recent online seminar that we signed up for uses chatbot as a service assistance to help newly registered user to sign up for the event and also to send reminders leading up to the event itself.

A local bank here in Singapore, OCBC launched a AI Chatbot called “Emma” to help homeowners secure a mortgage from the bank itself, and asking questions like “How much can I borrow”,  and asking about related products from the bank. Another organisation, Capitamall, who manages a portfolio of shopping malls across Singapore also launch a chatbot called “Sparkles” with providing concierge services.

Here in FUSE, we have tested out different AI chat platforms like Chatfuel, Octane & others to find the best solutions for you and your clients. We’ve also partner with other homegrown AI startups for a more customised solution for you.

A chatbot platform uses keywords, and context to decipher what the user is asking, and responds with an appropriate reply, either a piece of content, link or form. This logic can be set on the backend, and requires a strategic approach towards the end goal or conversion. Typically, chatbot will be living in Facebook messenger, Twitter or any other platform that will usually have a 2-way communication. Some customised solution are built into the website or mobile app.

For more information about chat bot and how we can build one for you, get in touch with us here.



OCBC Bank Launches First A.I. Powered Home Renovation Loan Specialist Chat Bot