Adobe Create Now 2014
Venue: Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
Date: 27 June 2014
Some highlights from the event last week (some photos attached):
![2013-03-26 13.30.04](/wp-content/uploads/2013-03-26-13.30.04.jpg)
Edge animate:
Support motion path. Symbol creation, and able to copy and paste vectors from AI.
Easily add audio/video content with no coding experience.
Digital Publishing Suite
Product single app, multi folio app or enterprise app using Indesign. No coding required. Specially for print designers who want to create mobile apps. Able to have different sign in for sales person in a sales team.
Adobe released an app to tutorial/tips in App Store to teach about the features of DPS.
Linked file(like indesign, but is able to sync across computer/cloud/filesharing services. For e.g., linking a logo file to multiple design across multiple agencies will now update all logo if its changed in the linked logo. Something like indesign linked content but wider reach.
Smart guide- spacing objects now is easier with guides automatically appear when spacing objects like menu.
Radial blur tool- used for making the wheel of a car spin, with option to add strobe light effects.
Adobe prelude:
Used to prepare video for editing. Able to do live marker on a video/eg.sports event/ concert, etc.
Mobile APPS:
Adobe voice – an interesting mobile app that can be used to create a short story. It record your voice as a narrative and it puts in music automatically. Option to add photos/text/video. Good for storyboarding/preproduction. FREE app.
Adobe Sketch– sketching app with colors mixing together like watercolored effect. FREE app.
Adobe Mix- mobile photoshop on steroids.. Heavy computational effects are achieved by using cloud computing power to run the process and transfer the result back to the tablet app.Eg, blur action on objects.
Adobe ink & slide – a pen and ruler for sketching & architectural drawings, connected to the cloud. Pretty impressive showing and it is great for artist/non artist. Once connect it will only detect the pen tip as the drawing tip, and will reject all other touch action including palm/fingers.
More about ink & slide: http://www.adobe.com/sea/products/ink-and-slide.html